Inclusive Housing
Inclusive housing affords students the option to live on campus in a single room suite or apartment with whomever they choose, regardless of biological sex. FAU will make every effort to accommodate both the student’s request to be assigned housing based on need, as well as other requests (i.e., specific hall choice, etc.). FAU cannot guarantee to any student a specific hall, room or roommate. All assignments are based upon space availability.
Deadline to request inclusive housing:
Students seeking inclusive housing will need to inform Housing by:
- June 1 for fall
- December 1 for spring
- May 1 for summer
Selecting Inclusive Housing
- New residents indicate on the housing contract that you would prefer to be assigned to a space in inclusive housing. Students will be assigned rooms with other students who elected inclusive housing.
- Returning residents who participate in the housing renewal process should select on the housing application that they are interested in inclusive housing. Returning residents may match with roommates to be paired with in the suite. If students are not able to completely fill an apartment or suite, the student will be assigned rooms with other students who elect inclusive housing. This is an opt-in process but does not require a specific request.
Policies related for Inclusive Housing:
- Any student may request inclusive housing by selecting “yes” to the question in the housing application.
- Students will not be automatically placed in an inclusive suite/apartment unless they have indicated on their application they would prefer living in Inclusive Housing.
- Students must be able to fill all spaces in the suite/apartment with other students who have requested inclusive housing.
- This program is not designed for use by romantic couples. Students in intimate relationships should not choose to live together in inclusive housing.